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Shmoob News:


Shmooblesworld 2.0 has finally released!
The website has been entirely remade in HTML
If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord!

Shmooblesworld Blog:


My Daily Routine - By Shmooblesworld CEO

First thing in the morning I wake up bright and early at 6am and take a shower. After my shower, I go grab a bagel and I go out on my balcony and bask in the sun rays. After I am done with my bagel I go inside and slam the curtains shut and get on my computer...

Sticker Box!

Shift+Click to change sticker size!


Fanart Feature!

Phillip Fanart by Alex

Submit fanart in the Shmooblesworld Discord or with the tag #ShmooblesworldArt on Twitter.
Discord Link ShmooblesArt Twitter

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